With his straw hat and ragtag crew, young pirate Monkey D. Luffy goes on an epic voyage for treasure in this live-action adaptation of the popular manga. Throughout his adventure, Luffy has displayed incredible powers through the power of the Devil Fruit, giving fans some of the most intriguing and creative attacks on screen.
Celebrating the release of Netflix's ONE PIECE, Sideshow and Hot Toys is delighted to present the beloved character - Monkey D. Luffy in sixth scale collectible figure. He is now sailing the seas to search for the treasure!
The greatly-detailed Monkey D. Luffy action figure features a newly developed head sculpt with separate rolling eyeballs and interchangeable hair sculpture for his hat look. Luffy wears his iconic red vest, blue pants and boots painted with weathering effects. The highly-poseable body comes with a pair of interchangeable arms and right leg in extended form to recreate his special rubber-based attacks, smoke effect accessories attachable to arms, a purple Devil Fruit, and a figure base.
Order the One Piece collectible figure and set off for the Grand Line with the legendary Pirate King.
Due March 2025*