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Oberon Zell

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Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, commonly known as simply Oberon Zell, is a renowned artist, writer, and visionary in the realms of paganism, spirituality, and fantasy. Born Timothy Zell in 1942, he adopted the name Oberon as a young man, inspired by Shakespeare's character from "A Midsummer Night's Dream," and later added "Ravenheart" to reflect his deep connection to the natural world.

Zell's artistic endeavours span various mediums, including sculpture, illustration, and writing. He is perhaps best known for his visionary and mystical sculptures, which often depict mythological creatures, deities, and symbols drawn from diverse spiritual traditions. His artwork reflects his eclectic and inclusive approach to spirituality, incorporating elements of paganism, Wicca, and other mystical paths.

In addition to his artistic pursuits, Zell is a prolific writer and educator, having authored numerous books and articles on subjects ranging from mythology and magic to environmentalism and consciousness exploration. He is the co-founder of the Church of All Worlds, an influential pagan organization that promotes reverence for nature, individual freedom, and spiritual exploration.

Throughout his life, Oberon Zell has been a passionate advocate for environmentalism, animal rights, and social justice. His artwork and writings often reflect his commitment to these causes, serving as a source of inspiration and empowerment for those who share his vision of a more compassionate and sustainable world.

Overall, Oberon Zell's contributions to art, spirituality, and social activism have made him a beloved and respected figure within pagan and alternative communities worldwide. His creative endeavours continue to inspire and uplift individuals on their own spiritual journeys, inviting them to explore the realms of imagination, magic, and transformation.

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Mother Earth by Oberon Zell Bronze 17.5cm
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Mother Earth by Oberon Zell 17.5cm
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