Planetary Chieftains

The Devil In The Details
Co-founder & Final Fantasy Fiend

Seasoned In The Abyss
Co-founder & Death Guard Disciple

After making the crazy decision to have four children and having to deal with all the joy and torment that comes with them, we noticed something. Our children and their friends were having birthday parties so much that it felt like we were going to one nearly every week. These parties tended to have one thing in common, they had a theme. Whether it be unicorns, dinosaurs, superheroes or princesses, there was more often than not something magical or fantastical that the children loved. Then the cogs started to turn that if our children and their friends are doing this, then surely every child across the country is doing this.
So we decided to make another crazy decision. Let's start our own business, a business selling anything and everything you could possibly need for a children's party. So we found products we fell in love with and the suppliers to provide them. Whilst we were doing this we discovered that even as adults we still had a great affinity for the magical and fantastical themes that children loved. Be it nostalgia or the yearning of our inner child, we came to realise that this could be so much more than just children's parties in the future.
Then only a few months into our endeavour the pandemic struck, children's parties stopped overnight and so did our business. We struggled as best we could all whilst shielding, trying to deal with home schooling 3 children and the force of nature that is Dante. During this time we adapted by bringing you more and more of not only the things we love, but the things that you, your friends, your family and your children love. We won't lie, it was hard, really hard... but we didn't give up although there were plenty of times it felt like the only option.
We'd slowly increased our range of products throughout that challenging time. With the pressures of the pandemic easing we wanted to continue this trend and are doing so by bringing you officially licensed merchandise as well as more of the extensive range of products we already had. We also made the mad decision to increase our family and have been blessed with a new arrival. We've struggled with the sleep deprivation on top of the summer holidays and this business venture but we've got through it.
Now with the cost of living seeming to increase by the day we're very much aware that we'll struggle again. However, we're determined to keep this going and we want you along for the ride. Where most places are rising prices, we're cutting our profit margins and lowering prices where we can to keep these luxuries within reach of our valued customers. We also hope to have you become a valued customer who will love our products as much as we love them ourselves.
Kimberly & Mark
Founders of Planet Merch®
The Halflings

The Unicorn Belle
Product Tester #1 & True Believer

The Dinosaur In The Rough
Product Tester #2 & Part-time Palaeontologist

Hero Builder
Product Tester #3 & Dream Maker

Dark Lord Of The Crib
Product Tester #4 & Darkside Destroyer

The New Arrival
Ophelia Rey
Product Tester #5 & A New Hope