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Peaky Blinders

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"Peaky Blinders" is a British television crime drama series created by Steven Knight, first aired in 2013. Set in Birmingham, England, in the aftermath of World War I, the show follows the Shelby crime family, led by the cunning and ambitious Tommy Shelby, played by Cillian Murphy. Named after the real-life urban youth gang, the "Peaky Blinders," the series depicts the Shelby family's rise to power in the criminal underworld as they navigate political intrigue, rival gangs, and family dynamics.

"Peaky Blinders" is characterized by its stylish cinematography, atmospheric soundtrack, and compelling performances. The series explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and power, as well as the social and economic upheaval of post-war Britain. Over the course of its run, "Peaky Blinders" has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base, becoming one of the most beloved and acclaimed British television dramas of recent years.

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