So Guess Which Idiot Thought Pancake Day Was Last Week?
This loveable idiot sent out discount codes for Shrove Tuesday last week. He even made us all pancakes. The kids were really happy to get them as they didn't get them at school like they normally do. This should have been the first clue. We thought we'd be done for another year after cleaning their maple syrup covered fingers. No one questioned our Shrove Tuesday promotion either (thanks for the heads up guys) as we drifted into a sugar-soaked food coma. Until....
Kaiden (our part-time palaeontologist) gladly stated on Monday evening that it was Pancake Day tomorrow. This can't be right? So who better to ask than Google? Low and behold it is Shrove Tuesday on March 1st and not 22nd February. The look on Mark's face as it all began to sink in, definitely a moment for the end of a certain credit card advert. What this does mean is that he's been working exceptionally hard this evening (bless his little cotton socks) so that you can all take advantage of the great savings on offer on the correct day.
If you're looking for Pre-Order items we're giving you 10% OFF all of them with the discount code 'PANCAKE10'.
As well as this you can get 5% OFF all Available to Order items with the discount code 'PANCAKE05'.
Both these offers will only last for Shrove Tuesday (1st March) and once the pancakes stop flipping so will savings. Well not quite all of them, you'll still be able to make savings on all fairies with 'PIXIEDUST' as a discount code at the checkout.
As well as this you can also get a complete set of drinks with the FREE SHOTS promotion. Buy any tankard + any goblet and get yourself any free shot glass. You can also change it up a little and choose either 2 tankards or 3 goblets instead.
Have a great day. I'm off to get some more pancakes.
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